Press on digitisation in Bavaria
Oberpfalz: Bavaria invests in digitization
Bavaria invests in digitization. Today, the Council of Ministers has adopted a massive package to implement the €5.5 billion BAYERN DIGITAL II master plan. The Oberpfalz is also expected to benefit from this.
Click here for the full article from OTV
Artificial intelligence in the Oberpfalz
Bavaria invests in the development and improvement of research for artificial intelligence. The Oberpfalz also benefits from this in Weiherhammer
Click here for the complete article in the Onetz
Bavaria becomes leader in artificial intelligence
Bavaria is investing 280 million euros to be one of the world leaders in research for artificial intelligence. For Prime Minister Söder, this is crucial so that Bavaria can remain competitive in the future.
Click here for the full article in the Bayernkurier
1. Digital lighthouse projects in Bavaria
At its meeting in the Technical University of Munich today, the Council of Ministers took far-reaching decisions for all regions of Bavaria on the topic of digitisation on the future.